Cloudera Enterprise 5.15.x | Other versions

Creating and Using a Parcel Repository for Cloudera Manager

You must create a repository and direct hosts in your Cloudera Manager deployment to use that repository.

After you have created a hosted repository, go to Configuring the Cloudera Manager Server to Use the Parcel URL for Hosted Repositories.

Alternatively, you can create a local file repository. See Using a Local Parcel Repository.
  Note: Using a local parcel repository does not support parcel relations (Depends, Conflicts, and Replaces), which are defined in manifest files. Hosted parcel repositories are required.

After completing these steps, you have established the environment required to install a previous version of Cloudera Manager or install Cloudera Manager to hosts that are not connected to the Internet. Proceed with the installation process, being sure to target the newly created repository.

Hosting a Parcel Repository

Installing a Web Server

The repository is typically hosted using HTTP on a host inside your network. If you already have a web server in your organization, you can move the repository directory, which will include both the RPMs and the repodata/ subdirectory, to a location hosted by the web server. An easy web server to install is the Apache HTTPD. If you are able to use an existing web server, then note the URL and skip to Downloading the Parcel and Publishing Files.

Installing Apache HTTPD

You may need to respond to some prompts to confirm you want to complete the installation.
OS Command
yum install httpd
zypper install httpd
Ubuntu or Debian
apt-get install httpd

Starting Apache HTTPD

OS Command
service httpd start
service apache2 start
Ubuntu or Debian
service apache2 start

Downloading the Parcel and Publishing Files

  1. Download the parcel and manifest.json files for your OS distribution from
    • CDH 5 - Impala, Kudu, Spark, and Search are included in the CDH parcel.
      • CDH -
      • Accumulo - -
      • GPL Extras -
    • Cloudera Distribution of Apache Spark 2
      • The exact parcel name is dependent on the OS. You can find all the parcels at
    • Key Trustee Server
      • Go to the Key Trustee Server download page. Select Parcels from the Package or Parcel drop-down menu, and click DOWNLOAD NOW. This downloads the Key Trustee Server parcels and manifest.json files in a .tar.gz file. Extract the files with the tar xvfz filename.tar.gz command.
    • Key Trustee KMS
      • Go to the Key Trustee KMS download page. Select Parcels from the Package or Parcel drop-down menu, and click DOWNLOAD NOW. This downloads the Key Trustee KMS parcels and manifest.json files in a .tar.gz file. Extract the files with the tar xvfz filename.tar.gz command.
    • Navigator HSM KMS
      • Go to the Navigator HSM KMS download page. Select Parcels from the Package or Parcel drop-down menu, and click DOWNLOAD NOW. This downloads the Navigator HSM KMS parcels and manifest.json files in a .tar.gz file. Extract the files with the tar xvfz filename.tar.gz command. Note that the parcel name (KEYTRUSTEE) for the KMS services (both Key Trustee KMS and Navigator HSM KMS) is the same.
    • Other services
      • Sqoop connectors -
  2. Move the .parcel and manifest.json files to the web server directory, and modify file permissions. For example, you might use the following commands:
    mkdir /var/www/html/cdh4.6
    mv CDH-4.6.0-1.cdh4.6.0.p0.26-lucid.parcel /var/www/html/cdh4.6
    mv manifest.json /var/www/html/cdh4.6
    chmod -R ugo+rX /var/www/html/cdh4.6
    After moving the files and changing permissions, visit http://hostname:80/cdh4.6/ to verify that you can access the parcel. Apache may have been configured to not show indexes, which is also acceptable.

Configuring the Cloudera Manager Server to Use the Parcel URL for Hosted Repositories

  1. Use one of the following methods to open the parcel settings page:
    • Navigation bar
      1. Click in the top navigation bar or click Hosts and click the Parcels tab.
      2. Click the Configuration button.
    • Menu
      1. Select Administration > Settings.
      2. Select Category > Parcels .
  2. In the Remote Parcel Repository URLs list, click the addition symbol to open an additional row.
  3. Enter the path to the parcel. For example, http://hostname:port/cdh4.6/.
  4. Click Save Changes to commit the changes.

Using a Local Parcel Repository

To use a local parcel repository, complete the following steps:
  1. Open the Cloudera Manager web UI and navigate to the Parcels page.
  2. Select Configuration and verify that you have a Local Parcel Repository path set. By default, the directory is /opt/cloudera/parcel-repo.
  3. Remove any Remote Parcel Repository URLs you are not using, including ones that point to Cloudera archives.
  4. Add the parcel you want to use to the local parcel repository directory that you specified.
  5. In the command line, navigate to the local parcel repository directory.
  6. Create a SHA1 hash for the parcel you added and save it to a file named parcel_name.parcel.sha.
    For example, the following command generates a SHA1 hash for the parcel CDH-5.10.1-1.cdh5.10.1.p0.10-el5:
    sha1sum CDH-5.10.1-1.cdh5.10.1.p0.10-el5.parcel | awk '{ print $1 }' > CDH-5.10.1-1.cdh5.10.1.p0.10-el5.parcel.sha
  7. Change the ownership of the parcel and hash files to cloudera-scm:
    sudo chown cloudera-scm:cloudera-scm CDH*
  8. In the Cloudera Manager web UI, navigate to the Parcels page.
  9. Click Check for New Parcels.

    The new parcel appears.

  10. Download, distribute, and activate the parcel.
Page generated May 18, 2018.